The Best Soil for Rosemary

Hardy plants like Rosemary can still have fungal diseases such as root rot when the soil is not right. In this story, we will teach you the secret to blending the best soil for Rosemary!

Low Moisture Retention Rosemary likes well-drained soil as it comes from the sandy soil found in the Mediterranean Region.

Add inorganic elements like sand, gravel, or specialist amendments like perlite or volcanic gravel to reduce moisture.

Good Aeration Perlite, volcanic gravel, and clay pebbles provide air pockets in the soil and improve aeration.

Orchid bark, wood chips, and coarse sand encourage the water to flow through the soil quickly, allowing air pockets to form as it leaves.

Good Fertility Organic matter increases the moisture in the soil and gives a slightly acidic composition that Rosemary likes to grow in.

Well-rotted compost, mulches, and manure are great for nutrition; most well-made commercial soil mixes contain at least one.

Straw is another perfect soil amendment for Rosemary! Click the link to see our guide for straw as garden mulch.

Coco coir and peat moss increase water retention and provide organic matter as they decay.

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