To propagate Pothos cuttings in soil, prepare a sharp knife, rubbing alcohol, a paper towel, a small pot with drainage holes, and fresh potting soil.
Disinfect your cutting tools with alcohol. Clean them after each cut to prevent diseases.
Pick a healthy, lush mother plant. Don't try to propagate a wilted, ill-looking leaf.
Make a clean cut right below the node. A node is where the roots will grow.
Remove leaf sheaths if there are any.
Place your cutting in the middle of the pot and fill it with soil. Gently press the soil down to keep the cutting in place.
Water the soil thoroughly until it runs from the drainage holes.
Place your fresh cuttings in indirect but bright sunlight. Do not put them in full sun, because they will quickly burn!
After a few weeks, the cuttings will take root, and new leaves will grow! You now have new plants!
Click the link to learn how to propagate pothos cuttings in soil. 👇