The best time to propagate your Hoya Kerrii is in Spring or Summer, during the active growing season. Warm temperatures and sufficient light make it easy to produce new leaves.
The easiest way to propagate a Hoya Kerrii plant is through stem cuttings. Don't worry too much about chopping your beloved plant. Hoyas are forgiving as long as you follow these simple steps.
Prepare a small pot filled with a well-drained growing medium. Ensure that the pot has drainage holes to prevent root rot.
Choose a healthy mature plant. Cut about 4 inches of stem with a single leaf. Remember that you cannot propagate without a node!
Trim off any of its unnecessary leaves from the bottom of the cutting. I always pinch off or trim off the bottom set of leaves.
Grab your small pot and gently stick the cut end of the stem cutting. Place the new plant in a bright, indirect light and moisten the soil for a few days.
Click the link to learn more about Hoya Kerrii care tips. 👇