How to Care for  Bonsai Trees for Beginners

There is no need for intimidation from these deciduous trees; it’s not as difficult as it seems. All you need to do is follow these basic guidelines for a bonsai plant.

Drainage. The soil needs good drainage to prevent a lack of aeration and salt buildup. You  can achieve proper drainage  by adding stones and volcanic  rock to the soil.

Water Retention. The soil must hold water for enough time to provide moisture to your indoor bonsai tree. Water retention can be achieved by adding clay to the soil.

Well-Structured Inorganic Soil. Also known as particle-based soil, this type of soil is optimal for bonsai growth as it offers superb aeration and rapid drainage.

Water. To attain the best watering regime, you must check your bonsai’s soil regularly. If it appears dry, water it, as dry soil is the worst enemy of a bonsai.

Temperature. Most bonsai trees prefer temperatures ranging from 64°F to 75°F during the daytime and 57°F to 61°F at night.

Light. Bonsai tree requires sufficient indirect light for at least 5 to 6 hours daily. Bonsai species, thrive during the warm months  of May through September.

Humidity. You can tend to your bonsai’s humidity needs by misting it with water a couple of times on  a regular basis or using a  humidity tray.

USDA Hardiness Zones. Conventional bonsai species belong to temperate regions,  so they are placed in hardiness zones ranging from 7 to 9.

Fertilizer. Fertilization is critical during the growing period, which typically lasts from spring to the summer months.

Click the link to learn the best bonsai trees for beginners and access our step-by-step guide  to prune your miniature tree.