9 Reasons Why Your Succulents Have Brown Tips


Watching a beloved succulent's soft green and mauve leaves turn brown can be a real heartbreaker. Still, fixing the problem takes less effort than you'd think.

Succulents are prone to water damage because they've adapted to dry climates with no little water.

1 Over-watering

A poor potting mix can hold little or too much water. Give your succulent plants the right blend on a pot with drainage holes

2 Poor Potting Soil

A common misconception is that succulent plants don't need water at all. If the leaves start dropping, submerge your succulent in water.

3 Underwatering

Fungal diseases like brown spots and black spots can cause patches of moldy-looking tissue. Apply a copper-based fungicide or cooled cinnamon tea.

4 Disease

The signs of sunburn are discolored patches on the leaves. Move them into a shadier area and trim away leaves with sun damage.

5 Too Much Sun

Succulent leaves will turn brown and start to curl inwards. Move your succulent plants to a brighter location with enough sunlight.

6 Too Little Light

Chilling or long exposure to hot conditions can cause succulent plants to enter dormancy. Water them with lukewarm water.

7 Temperature Shock

Root aphids, mealybugs, and scale beetles cause brown succulent leaves. Apply them immediately with neem oil solution!

8 Pest Infestation

Excess nutrients can build up on succulent leaves. Flush the potting soil with water and don't fertilize for the rest of the growing season.

9 Too Much Fertilizer

As a general rule of thumb, use well-draining soil and water less often to prevent root rot. Place them in a spot with bright, indirect light.

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