10 Bad Luck Plants  in 2023

In this story, we cover 10 bad luck plants to avoid negative energy in your home this 2023.

Dead plants are not only a hazard to your health but are bad luck plants in every tradition. Keeping dead things attracts negative energy and invites malicious spirits.

1 Dead plants

Some traditions consider fake plants to invite deception, especially ones made of plastic and other artificial materials. Artificial plants also attract dust, and they fade over time.

2 Fake plants

These stunted trees are held back from reaching their full potential. Feng Shui practitioners and Vastu experts recommend you stick to plants that promote growth, not actively suppress it.

3 Bonsai Trees

In Feng Shui, sharp edges that form around the cotton tufts are considered stabbing or piercing positive energy at home.

4 Cotton plants

In Vastu, it’s said that evil spirits live within the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica).

5 Tamarind Tree

In their natural habitat, Mehendi grows as a sprawling evergreen shrub. Like tamarind, it’s also said to play host to bad spirits.

6 Mehendi Plant

The barbs on the stems and branches are believed to encourage arguments and strife and are considered all-around bad luck plants.

7 Gum Arabic Tree

It encourages negative energy and low vibrations. They also cause latex allergies in some people.

8 Weeping Fig

Cactus plants are discouraged in Feng Shui, and the Crown of Thorns is especially disruptive. As the plant matures, its stem becomes long, bare, and covered in formidable spikes.

9 Crown of Thorns

The reason Philodendrons are considered unlucky is due to their toxicity. Since toxicity brings bad energy in indoor spaces, some say that these beauties belong strictly outdoors.

10 Philodendron Plants

Read the full article on our website to learn about good luck plants that bring  positive energy.