25 Vegetables to Plant in October (Fall Planting)
As the reinvigorating, crisp, and cool air caresses your face, know it’s time for fall gardening. The cool weather is ideal ...
Plant-specific care guides to keep your garden thriving, no matter what mother nature throws at you.
As the reinvigorating, crisp, and cool air caresses your face, know it’s time for fall gardening. The cool weather is ideal ...
Are you someone who admires the beauty and elegance of Peperomia Prostrata? (Or perhaps you know it by its common name: ...
I love the wild variety and lush tropical foliage of an Alocasia. From tiny jewels to monster elephant ears, there’s a ...
The fuzzy leaves and beautiful blooms of the African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha) have made them one of the most popular indoor ...
When my mom told me to eat my veggies growing up, I always shrugged her away; which kid has ever liked ...
From the big, gorgeous leaves of the Monstera deliciosa to the open lace of a Monstera adansonii, Monstera plants have used ...
Almost everyone owns a Pothos, or at least, I believe almost everyone should own a Pothos! These fast-growing houseplants are incredibly ...
I’m lucky enough to have big, broad balconies with a variety of different light levels. I love hanging small plants from ...
Calatheas are popular houseplants and for a good reason. Calatheas, or Prayer Plants, are a true eye-catcher in anyone’s home with ...
Why are some peppers sweet while others are flaming hot? What is the Scoville scale, and how does it measure the ...